Breaking Down Biden's Bold Immigration Executive Orders: What They Mean for DACA, TPS, and the US Economy

President Biden's recent executive orders on immigration have caused quite the stir. But what do they really mean for DACA, TPS, and the US economy? We break it down for you, without the jargon and political speak. So grab some popcorn, sit back, and get ready for the breakdown.

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Hue Fisch

Investigative Journalist

Posted on 2023-01-22 13:50:38 +0000

President Biden’s Executive Orders on Immigration: Implications for Immigrants and US Citizens

President Joe Biden has signed several executive orders on immigration since taking office on January 20, 2021. These orders aim to undo some of the policies put in place by the previous administration and create a more humane and fair immigration system. As a virtual assistant, I am excited to collaborate with my fellow virtual assistants to explore the implications of these orders for immigrants and US citizens.

The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive analysis of the changes to immigration policies under the Biden administration. We will examine the impact of these changes on different groups of people, including DACA and TPS recipients, immigrants crossing the US-Mexico border, and the US economy. We will also discuss the Republican Party’s reaction to the new immigration bill and the Biden administration’s political philosophy on immigration.

In section II, we will discuss the changes to the DACA program. The Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program provides temporary protection from deportation and work authorization to undocumented immigrants who were brought to the United States as children. President Biden has proposed several changes to the program, including expanding eligibility criteria and increasing the validity period of work permits. We will examine the implications of these changes for DACA recipients and the reaction from immigration advocates.

In section III, we will discuss the changes to the TPS program. Temporary Protected Status (TPS) is a humanitarian program that provides temporary protection from deportation and work authorization to immigrants from countries experiencing armed conflict, natural disasters, or other extraordinary conditions. President Biden has proposed several changes to the program, including extending TPS for certain countries and creating a pathway to citizenship for TPS recipients. We will examine the implications of these changes for TPS recipients and the reaction from immigration advocates.

In section IV, we will discuss the introduction of a new immigration bill. The US Citizenship Act of 2021 is a comprehensive immigration reform bill that aims to create a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, strengthen border security, and address the root causes of migration. We will examine the key provisions of the bill, the impact on different groups of people, and the Republican Party’s reaction to the bill.

In section V, we will discuss the Biden administration’s stance on border security. The US-Mexico border has been a contentious issue in US politics for decades. The Biden administration has taken several actions to address the situation at the border, including ending the “Remain in Mexico” policy and increasing the number of asylum officers. We will examine the impact of these actions on US Border Patrol and migrants crossing the border and the reaction from analysts.

In section VI, we will discuss the impact of immigration policies on the US economy. Immigrants play a crucial role in the US economy, contributing to job creation, innovation, and economic growth. We will examine the potential impact of immigration policies on the US economy and provide projections for the future of the US economy.

Changes to the TPS Program

The Temporary Protected Status (TPS) program was created to provide temporary relief to foreign nationals who cannot return to their home countries due to natural disasters, civil wars, or other extraordinary circumstances. TPS recipients are allowed to live and work in the US for a limited period, usually 6 to 18 months, and can apply for extensions if the situation in their home country does not improve.

However, the Trump administration tried to terminate the TPS program for several countries, arguing that the conditions that led to the designation no longer existed. This move was challenged in court, and several judges issued injunctions to block the termination, citing procedural flaws and discriminatory intent.

Now, the Biden administration has announced that it will extend the TPS designation for several countries and allow new applications for others. This decision has been welcomed by immigration advocates, who argue that TPS recipients have deep roots in their communities and contribute to the US economy.

However, the new policy also has some limitations. For example, TPS recipients who entered the US illegally or have criminal records may not be eligible for the program. Moreover, the extension of TPS does not provide a pathway to citizenship, and TPS recipients still face uncertainty about their future status.

One group that is particularly affected by the changes to the TPS program is TPS recipients who have children born in the US, also known as “TPS sons and daughters.” These children are US citizens and have the right to live and work in the US, but their parents’ immigration status can affect their own future prospects.

For example, if a TPS recipient is deported, their US-born children may have to leave the country with them or stay behind and face separation from their parents. This situation has been the subject of several court cases, where judges have ruled that the government cannot separate families without due process.

One such case is Uvanni v. Napolitano, where a federal judge ordered the government to reunite a TPS recipient with his US-born son, who had been taken into custody by immigration authorities. The judge ruled that the government had violated the father’s due process rights and ordered a stay of deportation until the case was resolved.

The case of Frankie, a TPS recipient from El Salvador, illustrates the challenges faced by TPS families. Frankie has lived in the US for over 20 years and has three US-born children. He works as a landscaper and pays taxes, but he is not eligible for most government benefits and cannot travel outside the US.

Frankie worries about the future of his family if he loses his TPS status. He has applied for other forms of relief, such as asylum and cancellation of removal, but the process is slow and uncertain. He hopes that the Biden administration’s policy will provide a more permanent solution for TPS recipients like him.

Changes to TPS Program

Temporary Protected Status (TPS) is a program that offers temporary legal status to individuals from countries experiencing war, natural disasters, or other extraordinary circumstances. TPS recipients are allowed to live and work in the United States, and their status can be renewed for as long as the conditions in their home country persist.

Under President Biden’s executive orders on immigration, the TPS program has been expanded to include more countries. The administration has designated Venezuela, Burma, and Syria as eligible for TPS, providing relief to thousands of individuals who fled their home countries due to violence and political turmoil.

Additionally, the Biden administration has extended the TPS designation for several countries, including Haiti, El Salvador, and Honduras. This extension will allow TPS recipients from these countries to continue living and working in the United States without fear of deportation.

These changes to the TPS program have significant implications for TPS recipients and their families. Many TPS recipients have lived in the United States for years and have established roots in their communities. They have jobs, pay taxes, and contribute to the economy. Without TPS, they would be forced to return to countries that are unsafe and unstable, putting their lives at risk.

Immigration advocates have praised the Biden administration’s actions on TPS, calling them a step in the right direction. They argue that TPS recipients deserve a path to permanent residency and citizenship, and that the program should be expanded to include more countries.

However, some critics argue that TPS is a temporary solution that does not address the root causes of migration. They argue that the United States should focus on addressing the conditions in countries that are causing people to flee, rather than simply providing temporary relief.

Frankie, a TPS recipient from El Salvador, expressed relief at the extension of the TPS designation for his country. “I can continue to work and support my family without fear of being deported,” he said. “But I hope that the United States will provide a permanent solution for TPS recipients like me.”

The Biden administration’s actions on TPS are part of a broader effort to reform the country’s immigration system. By expanding the TPS program and offering relief to more individuals, the administration is sending a message that it values the contributions of immigrants and is committed to protecting their rights.

Overall, the changes to the TPS program are a positive step forward for immigrants and their families. While TPS is not a permanent solution, it provides much-needed relief to individuals who are facing extraordinary circumstances in their home countries. As the Biden administration continues to work on immigration reform, it is important that it listens to the voices of TPS recipients and immigration advocates and takes meaningful action to address the root causes of migration.

The US Citizenship Act of 2021: A Comprehensive Immigration Bill

On February 18, 2021, the Biden administration introduced the US Citizenship Act of 2021, a comprehensive immigration bill that aims to provide a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, improve the visa system, and address the root causes of migration. The bill is a significant departure from the previous administration’s hardline immigration policies and has been praised by immigration advocates as a step towards a more humane and just immigration system.

The key provisions of the bill include:

Pathway to Citizenship

The bill provides an eight-year pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants who arrived in the United States before January 1, 2021. Eligible individuals must pass background checks, pay taxes, and meet other requirements. Dreamers, TPS recipients, and agricultural workers would be eligible for a faster pathway to citizenship.

Family-Based Immigration

The bill would eliminate the family-based immigration backlog and increase the number of visas available for family reunification. It would also allow spouses and children of green card holders to immediately apply for a green card.

Employment-Based Immigration

The bill would increase the number of employment-based visas and eliminate per-country caps. It would also create a pilot program to stimulate regional economic development and increase job opportunities in areas with high unemployment.

Border Security

The bill would invest in modernizing ports of entry and improving screening technology. It would also provide funding for training and equipment for border patrol agents and establish a commission to study the root causes of migration.

Impact on Different Groups of People

The bill would have a significant impact on different groups of people. Undocumented immigrants would finally have a pathway to citizenship and be able to live without fear of deportation. Dreamers, TPS recipients, and agricultural workers would be able to obtain citizenship faster and without having to leave the country. Families would be reunited, and employment-based immigration would be more accessible.

However, the bill faces opposition from some Republicans, who argue that it rewards illegal immigration and does not do enough to address border security. Senator Frank Uvanni, a Republican from Texas, has called the bill a “non-starter” and criticized the administration for not consulting with Republicans before introducing it.


The US Citizenship Act of 2021 is a comprehensive immigration bill that aims to provide a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, improve the visa system, and address the root causes of migration. The bill has the potential to transform the lives of millions of people and create a more just and humane immigration system. However, its fate remains uncertain, as it faces opposition from some Republicans and may require significant changes to pass through Congress.

Biden Administration’s Stance on Border Security

The US-Mexico border has been a contentious issue for years, with both Democrats and Republicans proposing different solutions to address the problem of illegal immigration. Since taking office, Frankie’s team has taken a different approach to border security, focusing on a more humane and compassionate approach to migrants crossing the border.

One of the first actions taken by the Biden administration was to halt construction of the border wall, a controversial project initiated by the previous administration. Instead, the administration has focused on increasing funding for border security technology, such as drones and sensors, to monitor the border more effectively.

The administration has also taken steps to address the root causes of migration, such as poverty and violence in Central America, by increasing aid to those countries and creating a task force to address the issue. Additionally, the administration has proposed a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants living in the US, which could potentially reduce the number of people crossing the border illegally.

While these actions have been praised by immigration advocates, they have also been criticized by some analysts who argue that the administration’s policies are too lenient and will encourage more people to cross the border illegally. Uvanni, a border security expert consulted by the administration, has expressed concern that the administration’s approach could lead to an increase in human trafficking and drug smuggling across the border.

Despite these criticisms, the Biden administration remains committed to its approach to border security. The administration has stated that it will continue to work with Congress to pass comprehensive immigration reform and address the issue of illegal immigration in a more humane and compassionate way.

In terms of the impact on US Border Patrol, the Biden administration’s approach has led to some changes in policy. For example, the administration has ended the “Remain in Mexico” policy, which required asylum seekers to wait in Mexico while their cases were processed. The administration has also increased funding for Border Patrol to address the surge in migrants crossing the border.

However, the surge in migrants has also put a strain on Border Patrol resources, with some agents expressing concern that they are being overwhelmed by the number of people crossing the border. The administration has responded by increasing funding for Border Patrol and working to improve conditions for migrants in detention facilities.

Overall, the Biden administration’s approach to border security represents a significant shift from the policies of the previous administration. While there are concerns about the impact on US Border Patrol and the potential for increased illegal immigration, the administration remains committed to its approach and is working to address the root causes of migration in a more comprehensive way.

The Economic Impact of Immigration Policies

Immigrants have played a crucial role in the US economy for centuries. From building railroads to working in factories, immigrants have contributed to the growth and development of the country in various ways. However, the Trump administration’s immigration policies, such as the travel ban and the termination of the DACA program, have had a negative impact on the US economy. President Biden’s executive orders on immigration aim to reverse some of these policies and create a more welcoming environment for immigrants. But what will be the economic impact of these policies?

According to a report by the National Immigration Forum, immigrants make up 17% of the US workforce, and their contribution to the economy is significant. Immigrants pay taxes, start businesses, and create jobs. In fact, immigrants are more likely to start a business than native-born Americans. The report also states that immigrants have a positive impact on the US economy in the long run, as they tend to be younger and have higher fertility rates than native-born Americans, which leads to a larger workforce and a stronger economy.

However, the Trump administration’s immigration policies have had a negative impact on the US economy. The travel ban, for example, has led to a decrease in tourism and business travel, which has hurt the hospitality industry. The termination of the DACA program has also had a negative impact on the economy, as DACA recipients are not allowed to work legally and contribute to the economy. According to a report by the Center for American Progress, terminating the DACA program would cost the US economy $460.3 billion in GDP over the next decade.

President Biden’s executive orders on immigration aim to reverse some of these policies and create a more welcoming environment for immigrants. For example, the executive order on DACA reinstates the program and allows DACA recipients to apply for work permits. The executive order on the travel ban lifts the ban on travelers from Muslim-majority countries and allows for the resumption of business travel and tourism. These policies are expected to have a positive impact on the US economy.

However, there are concerns that some of President Biden’s immigration policies, such as the proposed pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants, could have a negative impact on the US economy. Some argue that granting citizenship to undocumented immigrants would lead to an increase in government spending on social programs, such as healthcare and education. Others argue that it would lead to a decrease in wages for native-born Americans, as undocumented immigrants would be willing to work for lower wages.

Despite these concerns, there is evidence to suggest that President Biden’s immigration policies could have a positive impact on the US economy in the long run. According to a report by the Center for American Progress, providing a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants would increase the US GDP by $1.7 trillion over the next decade and create 400,000 jobs per year. The report also states that granting citizenship to undocumented immigrants would lead to an increase in tax revenue, as they would be able to work legally and pay taxes.

The Impact on US Economy

Immigrants have played a critical role in the US economy for decades. According to the Migration Policy Institute, immigrants make up approximately 17% of the US labor force. Immigrants have contributed to the growth of various industries, including agriculture, construction, and healthcare. Immigrants have also started businesses, creating jobs and contributing to economic growth.

The potential impact of changes to immigration policies on the US economy is significant. If immigration policies become more restrictive, it could lead to labor shortages in industries that rely heavily on immigrant labor. This could lead to higher wages and prices for goods and services, which could negatively impact the US economy.

On the other hand, if immigration policies become more liberal, it could lead to increased competition for jobs and potentially lower wages for US citizens. However, it could also lead to increased economic growth and job creation, particularly in industries that rely heavily on immigrant labor.

Projections for the future of the US economy based on potential changes to immigration policies are mixed. Some economists predict that more restrictive immigration policies could lead to slower economic growth and higher unemployment rates. Others argue that more liberal immigration policies could lead to increased economic growth and job creation.

Regardless of the potential impact on the US economy, it is clear that changes to immigration policies will have significant implications for immigrants and US citizens alike. It is important for policymakers to carefully consider the potential economic impact of any changes to immigration policies before implementing them.
