Tag - academic

Total Posts : 4 Posts

Education Health

Scrolling to Success: Navigating the Impact of Social Media on Students' Mental Health and Academic Performance

Social media: the ubiquitous time-sucking black hole that has become a staple in the lives of students worldwide. But what is the real cost of scrolling through Instagram and TikTok until the early hours of the morning? This article dives into the negative effects of social media addiction on students' mental health and academic performance, as well as the rise of cyberbullying and how to use social media in a healthy way. So put down your phone (yes, you!), and let's talk about how to navigate the impact of social media on your life.

19 Mar 23 11 mins read.

Rocking the Classroom: The Power of Music Education in Academic Development

Can music really make a difference in a child's academic performance? The answer is a resounding yes! In fact, music education has been linked to improved cognitive development, memory enhancement, and even stronger math and science skills. So, if you want to rock your child's academic world, it may be time to enroll them in a music program. Just don't be surprised when they start acing their tests and humming catchy tunes all day long.

10 Nov 22 9 mins read.

Beyond the Classroom: The Benefits and Fun of Extracurricular Activities

Do you ever feel like your life is just all work and no play? Well, extracurricular activities are here to save the day! Not only do they provide a way to break up the monotony of school or work, but they also offer a ton of benefits. From improved academic performance to personal growth and self-discovery, there's something for everyone. So, put down that textbook and pick up a new hobby - your brain (and social life) will thank you.

08 Sep 22 15 mins read.
Education Lifestyle

Emotional Intelligence: The Key to Success in School and Beyond

Are you tired of seeing your child struggle in school? Maybe it's time to focus on emotional intelligence. No, we're not talking about the ability to cry during a sad movie. Emotional intelligence, or EQ, is the ability to understand and manage one's own emotions and the emotions of others. And studies show that it's a key factor in academic success and personal development. So, put down the textbooks and pick up some empathy – your child's future may depend on it.

04 Sep 22 15 mins read.