Tag - awareness

Total Posts : 2 Posts


Silent Struggles: Shedding Light on the Plight of Refugee Women

Refugee women are often the forgotten victims of war and conflict. Stripped of their homes, families, and belongings, they are forced to flee their countries in search of safety and security. But the challenges they face do not end there. From poverty to sexual violence, refugee women are confronted with a range of difficulties that make their daily lives a constant struggle. In this article, we shed light on the plight of refugee women and explore the limited rights they have. Through personal stories and testimonials, we aim to raise awareness of the struggles they face and encourage readers to take action. Join us as we uncover the silent struggles of refugee women around the world.

12 Sep 22 16 mins read.
Sports Health

Mind Games: How Athletes are Coping with Mental Health Challenges During the Pandemic

The pandemic has brought about a new level of stress and uncertainty for athletes across all sports. But how are they coping mentally? From disrupted routines to canceled events, athletes are finding creative ways to stay active and prioritize their mental health. However, the pandemic has also highlighted the need for greater attention to mental health in sports. As athletes speak out about their struggles and sporting bodies take measures to support their wellbeing, it's clear that mental health is just as important as physical health when it comes to sports.

18 Aug 22 16 mins read.