Tag - biden

Total Posts : 2 Posts


From Activism to Action: How Climate Change is Shaping Global Politics

Is climate change really shaping global politics? Yes, it's not just another hot topic anymore! From carbon taxes to renewable energy mandates, countries all over the world are taking political actions to address the issue. But what about the role of activism? Can young people really influence policymakers? And let's not forget about President Biden's impact on climate change politics. Find out more in this article, and don't be a fossil, join the conversation!

14 Jan 23 9 mins read.

The Biden Administration and China: Navigating Trade, Security, and Human Rights in a Changing World

From trade to security to human rights, the relationship between the US and China is as complicated as navigating a Chinese menu without any translations. But fear not, the Biden administration is ready to take on this challenge. Join us as we analyze the future of US-China relations and make some predictions on what this could mean for the global economy, regional stability, and human rights.

04 Jan 23 16 mins read.