Tag - china

Total Posts : 2 Posts


China's Belt and Road Initiative in Africa: Opportunities and Risks for Economic Development

China's Belt and Road Initiative has been making headlines around the world, with its ambitious infrastructure and development plans spanning across Asia, Europe, and Africa. In this article, we will focus on the impact of this initiative on African countries. From infrastructure development to trade and investment opportunities, we will take a closer look at the potential benefits and risks for economic development in Africa. Join us as we explore the opportunities and challenges that China's Belt and Road Initiative presents for the African continent.

18 Feb 23 12 mins read.

The Rise of the E-Yuan: How China's Digital Currency Could Shake Up the Global Financial System

Move over Bitcoin, there's a new digital currency in town - the e-yuan. China's latest financial innovation is making waves in the global market, and not just because of its catchy name. In this article, we'll explore how the rise of the e-yuan could shake up the world of finance as we know it - and maybe even give the US dollar a run for its money. Pun intended.

18 Nov 22 11 mins read.