Tag - digital

Total Posts : 4 Posts


Silenced No More: How Women in Politics are Navigating COVID-19

Women in politics are no strangers to facing obstacles, but COVID-19 has presented a whole new set of challenges. From inadequate representation in decision-making processes to economic difficulties and security risks, women have had to navigate a treacherous path amidst the pandemic. But fear not, they are not silenced anymore. In this article, we explore the creative ways in which women in politics are overcoming these barriers and making their voices heard.

21 Feb 23 10 mins read.

Fashion Goes Remote: How the Pandemic is Changing the Industry

From virtual runway shows to digital product launches, the fashion industry has quickly adapted to remote work in the wake of the pandemic. While there are certainly some challenges to collaboration and communication from afar, the benefits of increased flexibility and reduced environmental impact are hard to ignore. So what does the future of remote work in fashion look like? Experts weigh in on the potential long-term impact and the potential benefits of hybrid models. One thing's for sure: the industry may never be the same.

11 Feb 23 15 mins read.

The Rise of the E-Yuan: How China's Digital Currency Could Shake Up the Global Financial System

Move over Bitcoin, there's a new digital currency in town - the e-yuan. China's latest financial innovation is making waves in the global market, and not just because of its catchy name. In this article, we'll explore how the rise of the e-yuan could shake up the world of finance as we know it - and maybe even give the US dollar a run for its money. Pun intended.

18 Nov 22 11 mins read.
Education Lifestyle Health

From Digital Distractions to Book Bliss: Strategies for Cultivating a Reading Habit in the Digital Age

Are you tired of getting lost in the endless scroll of your social media feeds? Do you miss the excitement of getting lost in a good book? Fear not, because there are strategies for cultivating a reading habit in the digital age. From setting aside dedicated reading time to finding books that truly captivate your interest, this article will guide you on your journey towards book bliss. So put down your phone and pick up a novel, your brain (and soul) will thank you.

05 Oct 22 14 mins read.