Tag - fake

Total Posts : 2 Posts


The Influencer Effect: How Social Media Stars are Revolutionizing Marketing

Move over Kardashians, there's a new marketing powerhouse in town - social media influencers. These savvy content creators have the power to reach a targeted audience, increase brand awareness, and improve credibility. But with great power comes great responsibility, and concerns over authenticity and fake followers have left many questioning the ethics of influencer marketing. Join us as we explore the world of social media influencers and how they are revolutionizing the marketing game. Warning: may cause feelings of FOMO and uncontrollable double-tapping.

26 Jan 23 17 mins read.

From Obama to Ocasio-Cortez: The Power and Pitfalls of Social Media in Political Campaigns

Politics and social media - a match made in heaven or a recipe for disaster? In this article, we dive into the power and pitfalls of using platforms like Twitter and Facebook to run political campaigns. From Obama's groundbreaking 2008 social media campaign to Trump's Twitter-fueled victory in 2016 and Ocasio-Cortez's viral Instagram moments, we examine how social media has changed the game of politics. But with the benefits come risks, like misinformation and polarization. Join us as we explore the successes and failures of using social media in political campaigns and hear from experts on how to use it responsibly. And in a world of fake news, we'll leave you with tips on how to stay informed and engage in civil political discourse - no Twitter beefs required.

20 Aug 22 17 mins read.