Tag - space

Total Posts : 2 Posts


Beyond Our Solar System: The Exciting Hunt for Exoplanets

Are we alone in the universe? It's a question that has plagued humanity for centuries, but thanks to new technologies and techniques, we're getting closer to the answer. Enter exoplanets, the celestial objects outside of our solar system that may hold the key to unlocking the mysteries of the universe. From the Kepler Space Telescope to ground-based observatories, scientists are on the hunt for these elusive planets. And who knows, maybe one day we'll find extraterrestrial life. So, grab your telescopes and join the search, because the universe is calling.

07 Mar 23 11 mins read.

Space Race 2.0: Private Companies vs. Government Agencies in the New Frontier

Space. The final frontier. The last place you'd expect to find a battle between private companies and government agencies. But that's exactly what's happening in Space Race 2.0. Private companies are racing to the stars, while government agencies like NASA are struggling to keep up. Who will win? And more importantly, who will keep us safe? Buckle up, folks. This is going to be one wild ride.

17 Oct 22 9 mins read.