Tag - traditional

Total Posts : 2 Posts


The Great Debate: Navigating the Future of Education in a Post-Pandemic World

The pandemic may have caught us all off guard, but it's safe to say that it has definitely changed the future of education. With virtual learning becoming more popular, educators and students alike are navigating through the pros and cons of a new way of learning. From the comfort of your couch to the distractions of your home environment, there's no doubt that there are challenges to this new way of learning. But hey, at least you don't have to worry about getting a detention for forgetting your homework!

07 Jan 23 18 mins read.

The Rise of the E-Yuan: How China's Digital Currency Could Shake Up the Global Financial System

Move over Bitcoin, there's a new digital currency in town - the e-yuan. China's latest financial innovation is making waves in the global market, and not just because of its catchy name. In this article, we'll explore how the rise of the e-yuan could shake up the world of finance as we know it - and maybe even give the US dollar a run for its money. Pun intended.

18 Nov 22 11 mins read.