Tag - transparency

Total Posts : 4 Posts


The Art of Influence: Understanding the Role of Lobbyists in American Politics

Step right up and witness the art of influence! This isn't your average paint-by-numbers masterpiece, no, this is the world of lobbying in American politics. From the origins in the late 1700s to recent scandals that could rival any Hollywood blockbuster, we're here to break it down for you. Don't be fooled by the fancy suits and power lunches, there's a lot more at play than just smooth talking and handshakes. So buckle up and get ready to peel back the layers on this political onion.

03 Apr 23 18 mins read.

From Farm to Blockchain: Revolutionizing Agriculture for a Transparent and Efficient Future

Picture this: a farmer walks into a bank to secure a loan for their crop, but instead of filling out stacks of paperwork, they simply pull out their phone and complete the transaction on a blockchain-powered app. Sounds futuristic, right? Well, the future is now for the agriculture industry, thanks to the revolutionary power of blockchain technology. Get ready to say goodbye to the days of mystery meat and hello to a transparent and efficient food supply chain - all thanks to the magic of blockchain.

09 Mar 23 13 mins read.

From Trash to Treasure: How Sustainable Fashion is Revolutionizing the Business World

Who knew that dumpster diving could lead to a fashion revolution? Sustainable fashion is turning the business world on its head and making it chic to be eco-friendly. From upcycling techniques to using organic fabrics, sustainable fashion is reducing environmental impact and saving costs. Not to mention, it's enhancing brand image and supporting ethical labor practices. We talk to industry leaders about their approach to sustainability and how they're paving the way for a more fashionable and sustainable future.

02 Dec 22 11 mins read.

Blockchain: The Game-Changer for Supply Chain Management

Have you ever played that game where you whisper a secret to someone and they pass it on to the next person, and by the time it gets around the circle, it's completely different? Well, imagine if that game was a business process, and the secret was the location of a shipment of goods. That's where blockchain comes in, disrupting the supply chain management game and turning it into a game of telephone that actually works.

22 Oct 22 19 mins read.