Tag - voters

Total Posts : 2 Posts


From Likes to Votes: The Power of Social Media in Politics

Politics can be a messy business, but thanks to social media, it's now messier than ever. From Twitter wars to viral memes, politicians are using every tool at their disposal to grab your attention and your vote. But is it effective? And more importantly, is it ethical? Join us as we explore the power of social media in politics and the many challenges it presents. Just don't believe everything you read online.

25 Oct 22 9 mins read.

The Great Debate: To Reform or Abolish the Electoral College?

Is the Electoral College the quirky cousin at Thanksgiving dinner that everyone loves to argue with but ultimately accepts? Or is it time to send it packing like a distant relative who's overstayed their welcome? The debate rages on as many Americans question the effectiveness of the Electoral College in choosing our nation's leader. Let's take a closer look at both sides of the argument.

14 Sep 22 10 mins read.